Short Reads
- Sergio Waisman y Esther Allen, “El espacio—el genius loci—en la traducción,” coordinado Valerie Miles. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 890
- “Not Words Alone.” On Roque Dalton. Poetry Foundation.
- A Babel of Languages: Peter Constantine on the Joys of Multilingual Writing,
- Translation: The Pains and Gains of Communication – with Esther Allen, Klopotek Publishing Radio podcast.
- Brand America: 100 Years of PENs, Los Angeles Review of Books
- Another World: On Ada Ferrer’s Cuba: An American History, Los Angeles Review of Books
- Spanish-Language Writing in New York: Then and Now, with Ulises González, editor of Los Bárbaros. Words Without Borders
- “I erase you. You are erased.” On Idea Vilariño. Poetry Foundation
- Translating the Future, online conference and conversation series, co- sponsored by the Center for the Humanities at CUNY Graduate Center, PEN America, and the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library
- Fiction and Responsibility, New York Review of Books
- Pies on the Windowsills of “el norte,” Los Angeles Review of Books
- The Art of the Possible at Havana’s Bienal, New York Review of Books Daily
- Returning the Gaze, with a Vengeance, New York Review of Books Daily
- Una espera de 60 años para que la obra maestra de Di Benedetto llegue al inglés. Entrevista con Natalia Gelos, Eterna Cadencia
- The Crazed Euphoria of Lucrecia Martel’s Zama, New York Review of Books Daily
- Interview with Tania Bruguera, The Fabulist
- “Ace” by Antonio Di Benedetto, Paris Review
- Lygia Pepe’s Radical Banquet, New York Review of Books Daily
- Excerpt from The Silentiary by Antonio Di Benedetto, Literary Matters
- National Endowment for the Arts, 50 Years of Shaping America’s Cultural Landscape: A Look at NEA Literature Fellowships
- Between Us: Translators Esther Allen and Charlotte Mandell in Conversation, Drunken Boat
- Fidelmania, New York Review of Books Daily
- Can Google [Translate] Help Translate a Classic Novel? Publisher’s Weekly
- A Masterpiece of Latin American Literature Finally Appears in English,
- On Cuban Time, May 2016 issue of Words without Borders, co-edited with Hillary Gulley
- Interview with Wendy Ewald in Bomb
- Constellations in Sugar: On María Magdalena Campos-Pons, Peabody-Essex Museum
- Lost in Translation, Columbia University Press blog
- Cuba: We Never Left, New York Review of Books Daily
- The New Normal: On Cuba and the Power of Translation, Words Without Borders
- Lost in the Book Review, in In Other Words 44
- The Sharable Rightness of Meaning, in The Art of Empathy: Celebrating Literature in Translation (National Endowment for the Arts)
- Translation, Globalization and English in To Be Translated or Not To Be (PEN International, Institut Ramon Llull)
- Real Magic: A Tribute to Don Gabriel, Source
- How Subcomandante Marcos Changed My Life, New Spanish Books
- Why does Language Always Change? Publisher’s Weekly
- Proust and Jesus, Proust and Me Blog, French Cultural Services
- Polyglossia and José Manuel Prieto’s Encyclopedia of a Life in Russia, Three Percent
- Translator Relay: Esther Allen, Words Without Borders
- On Translation: Interview with Matthew Reynolds in the Oxonian Review
- Interview with Esther Allen, Critical Margins
- I Google English, Kulturaustauch
- Lost in Translation, New York Times
- Literature’s Invisible Arbiters, The Guardian
- Doors Windows and the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Words Without Borders
- Interview with Roberto Tejada in Bomb
- Interview with Alma Guillermoprieto in Bomb
- Interview with Francisco Goldman in Bomb
- “Translators Struggle…” Chronicle of Higher Education
- Sacrificing Their Lives to Work:, New York Review of Books Daily
- “Traductore, Traditore?” Salzburg Global Seminar, Session 461
- “Two Deaths” by Gustave Flaubert, Paris Review